Feeling Forgotten

He makes everything beautiful in His time

Where Living Begins

Mordecai overheard two government employees plotting to kill the king. He did the right thing, telling the plot to his niece the queen, who then told the king. Mordecai’s good deed was written in the history books, but then he was quickly forgotten.

Perhaps you’ve felt forgotten. You did something heroic, notable, or extraordinary. You did the right thing, but then never got the thanks, recognition, or reward you felt you deserved or were told you deserved. Maybe worse, no one even noticed what you’ve done.

Why would God let Mordecai’s deed be forgotten? Perhaps he failed to confess and decree with reward. Maybe Satan was blocking God’s favor. It could have even been that Mordecai had some sin God was angry over. While people may forget, God has no problem with His memory. Mordecai’s reward was delayed by God because He was doing something greater.

Years later, the king…

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  1. Before i felt like i was getting forgotten and useless and worthless and then i asked God for a sign for me to Not try and kill myself so he gave me a sign and Now i belive more then i did LOVE GOD IM A GOD GIRL

    Liked by 1 person

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